Bergen to Flåm

Day 7
We woke up early Wednesday morning for our fjord tour. We boarded the boat near the fish market in Bergen, just a few minutes from our hotel. We were able to get a good spot on the front of the boat, however it was extremely cold and windy, our hair was all over the place. Our tour went up the Modalen fjord to a tiny town of Mo.
Once we returned to Bergen from our fjord tour, we explored more of Bryggen including the Bryggens Museum and the Hanseatic Museum. Before leaving Bergen, we got another reindeer hotdog. After a two and a half hour drive, we arrived in Flåm just before it started to rain. 
When we arrived at our hotel, we learned that the tunnel between Bergen and Flåm closed during rain, so we were thankful the weather cooperated with our plans. Flåm was a very touristy town with only a few buildings, several of those being gift shops. There was a huge cruise ship docked near our hotel with numerous people from the ship walking around town.
Made with love 💻 Linsey 📷 Derek.